Computer and theoretical modeling has become an
essential partner with experiment in developing techniques to improve
the confinement and stability of high performance fusion science
experiments. Important concepts such as the bootstrap current,
radio-frequency current drive, and second stability arose from efforts
to describe and predict the complex behavior of confined
plasmas. These ideas have fundamentally transformed our picture of how
a future fusion reactor might work and have become integral and
essential parts of efforts to explore the burning plasma regime in a
laboratory experiment. The development of new confinement concepts
such as the spherical torus and the quasi-axisymmetric stellarator
arose from the efforts to model and improve techniques for
manipulating plasma containment.
Because of the large cost of the most advanced plasma confinement
systems, especially those that can approach and enter a regime in
which a burning plasma can be achieved, it is essential that we have
the scientific understanding to predict the performance of planned
devices. The program has made great strides in this direction. For
example, modeling the nonlinear dynamics of very small scale
turbulence across the core region of a nearly collisionless plasma in
a complex shaped magnetic geometry is an enormous achievement. There
are still significant areas, however, where success has proved
elusive. These areas are typically where the traditional separation of
the dynamics of plasma systems into microscale and macroscale
processes breaks down. The sawtooth crash, neo-classical magnetic
island growth and the formation and collapse of transport barriers are
examples of such problems. At large scale, these problems involve the
dynamics of magnetic fields and flows while the kinetic dynamics of
turbulence, particle acceleration, and energy cascade dominate the
smallest spatial scales. The interaction between these vastly
disparate scales controls the evolution of the system. The enormous
range of temporal and spatial scales associated with these problems
renders direct simulation intractable even in computations using the
largest existing parallel computers. In the absence of new multiscale
simulation techniques which exploit the separation of scales
while still allowing dynamical interactions between scales, these
problems will remain unsolved for the foreseeable future.
The growth of magnetic islands through the development of the
pressure-driven bootstrap current in a toroidal system — the
neo-classical tearing mode — illustrates the difficulty of addressing
these critical multiscale problems. The growth of these islands is
thought to limit the accessible β of many confined plasmas,
including the proposed ITER experiment. Its stability is thus a critical
issue for the program. Neoclassical tearing modes grow on a long
resistive time scale (about 0.2 seconds on DIII-D) while rotation of the
magnetic islands gives a real frequency of about 5-8 kHz (in the
frame moving with the ExB rotation). The
pressure and current profiles around the island determine island
growth and these profiles are themselves determined by the turbulent
transport in the vicinity of the island. However, the local
turbulence will be strongly perturbed by the island itself and it is
not sufficient to model the transport with turbulent transport
coefficients deduced from the bulk plasma. The turbulence has a
frequency of 100-500 kHz — thus the range of important time scales
covers nearly five decades. The spatial scales of interest range from
millimeters (turbulence and reconnection layer scales) to meters —
the size of the device. To understand this phenomenon, we must
simultaneously model the turbulence and the island growth. This cannot
be done without the development of a new class of computational
algorithms that can treat both the kinetics at very small spatial
scales as well as the macroscopic dynamics at the largest scales
available to the system.
The scaling of turbulent transport in the complex,
nearly-collisionless environments of high performance fusion plasmas
remains one of the premier grand challenge topics in fusion
science. Great progress has been made in developing an understanding
of transport due to electrostatic fluctuations, including the
interplay between zonal flows and this turbulence. The exploration of
electromagnetic turbulence and magnetic transport in the finite
β regime of greatest interest to future confinement systems is
also rapidly progressing. However, the development of a full
understanding of the feedback between large scale temperature and
density gradients and poloidal and toroidal rotation profiles is not
complete. Of particular importance are the onset conditions for the
formation of internal and edge transport barriers — particularly what
controls the threshold for this onset. It is not clear that we can
guarantee that these important barriers, which can greatly enhance
confinement, will continue to be accessible in planned burning plasma
experiments such as ITER. Current projections are based on
extrapolations from the databases of present machines. Such databases,
however, are less reliable in projecting the performance of some of
the new classes of innovative concept machines currently under
construction. The possibility that changes in scaling may take place
even in the tokamak line cannot be completely discounted. Again, the
exploration of barrier formation, which may require in excess of 100
milliseconds, compared with the time scales of turbulent fluctuations,
which are several microseconds, is not possible with presently
available algorithms.
Problems that require the meshing of kinetic and fluid dynamics with
disparate time scales have gained widespread interest recently in the
engineering and applied mathematics communities. Significant progress
has been made in the development of novel algorithms to address such
problems. This work has attracted much interest and has been
recognized recently by the J. D. Crawford Prize of the Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). The basic idea is to take
existing timestepping routines that advance the small-scale, kinetic
physics, and use them to develop novel coarse-grained algorithms to
calculate specific quantities of interest. The techniques work best
when there are clear separations in space and time scale in a problem
of interest. The growth of neo-classical islands with self-consistent
turbulence driven transport, for example, seems well suited to this
approach. (fusion examples)
The application of these ideas in
fusion science has the potential to facilitate the solution of a
variety of the most challenging problems facing the program.
The Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics brings together a critical
mass group of scientists with expertise in applied mathematics,
computer science, theoretical and computational plasma physics and
basic and performance dominated plasma experiments to address the most
important multiscale issues facing fusion science. The Center is
located at two primary institutions, the University of Maryland and UCLA. Bill Dorland and Steve Cowley are the
principal investigators at their respective institutions.
The focus areas of the Center research program are three problems of
central and immediate importance to fusion: sawteeth, neoclassical
island growth and transport barrier
formation. Research leaders for these topics are Dorland, Drake,
and Cowley and Waelbroeck. All of the three topics are complex issues
that have resisted resolution. For each of these problems we have
formulated a research strategy that involves the close interplay of
theory, advanced computation, and a detailed comparison with
experimental observations. The designated leaders of each of these
research projects, along with the team of scientists who are most
involved are listed in the table below. Extensive benchmarking of
theoretical and computational results will involve three of the most
advanced confinement experiments in the US portfolio, DIII-D, CMOD and
NSTX, as well as the JET experiment in the UK (coordinated with
Dr. Richard Buttery, the JET MHD task force leader).
Projects |
Leaders | Senior team members
Transport barrier bifurcation analysis |
Dorland |
Kevrekidis, Rogers, Hassam, Drake, Hammett, Waltz
Sawtooth physics
| Drake
| Gombosi, Cowley, Waelbroeck, Glasser, Rogers,
Waltz, Shay, La Haye, Buttery, Peebles
NTM physics
| Cowley, Waelbroeck
| Waltz, Gombosi, Leboeuf, Glasser, Wilson, La
Haye, Buttery, Peebles, Antonsen, Dorland
Multiscale gyrokinetic algorithm
development (Eulerian)
| Kevrekidis, Dorland
| Stone, Hammett, Tadmor
Multiscale PIC algorithm development (PIC)
| Gear, LeBoeuf, Shay
| Swisdak, Drake, Gombosi
Kinetic Alfven waves (Expt)
| Carter
| Gekelman, Dorland, Cowley, Quataert
Identify ETG fluctuations (Expt)
| Peebles, Porkolab
| Synakowski, Dorland, Hammett
Streaming instabilities and anomalous
resistivity in VTF (Expt)
| Egedal
| Porkolab
Streaming instabilities and anomalous
resistivity in LAPD (Expt)
| Gekelman
| Carter, Pribyl, Judy, Stillman, Kintner
Streaming instabilities and anomalous resistivity (theory)
| Shay
| Carter, Swisdak, Cowley, Drake, Rogers
Kinetic Alfven waves (theory)
| Quataert, Cowley
| Morales, Dorland, Hammett, Chandran
ETG/TEM interactions
| Hammett
| Synakowski, Dorland
Kinetic/Ultra high-β MHD/LB-MHD
| Leboeuf
| Cowley, Macnab, Dorland, Wiley
Astrophysical applications
| Quataert
| Arons, Stone, Hammett, Cowley, Dorland, Lathrop, Chandran
To address the three fusion specific problems listed above, important
basic physics issues linked to magnetic
reconnection and turbulence and
transport in the finite-β regime of advanced confinement systems
must be resolved. Small scale fluctuations and their role in electron
transport will be studied on DIII-D and NSTX using data from the UCLA group under Tony
Peebles. A focused experimental program led by Troy Carter and Walter
Gekelman on LAPD at UCLA and Prof. Miklos
Porkolab and Jan Egedal on CMOD and VTF at MIT will address
issues related to the fundamentals of reconnection and the dissipation
of Alfven waves, including the development of anomalous resistivity and particle
energization. Since these experiments can be diagnosed in
considerable detail they will provide stringent tests of the numerical
modeling of the nearly collisionless plasmas that are relevant to
Two leaders of the newly emerging effort in the applied mathematics
community will assist in the development of new techniques for
treating multiscale systems: Yannis
Kevrekidis and Bill Gear from
Princeton University. Both the fundamental science issues that are
being addressed as part of the Center research program as well as the
development of novel algorithms have broad applications to space and
astrophysics, where there is wide recognition of the need to move
beyond the MHD description. Four prominent members of the astrophysics
community, Eliot
Quataert (UC-Berkeley), Jonathon Arons
(UC-Berkeley), Jim
Stone (PU) and Ben Chandran (Iowa), and a member of the space
science community, Tamas Gombosi
(U.\ Michigan), are active participants.
While the research program is the primary goal of the center, a strong
secondary goal is to provide advanced plasma physics education beyond
the usual post-graduate course in plasma physics. This will consist
of three elements: (1) advanced courses taught at one location and
available via video conference to both locations and to the
community; (2) a winter school for the whole community held every year
and aimed at post-docs and above; and (3) weekly video conference
In College Park, the Center is hosted by the
Center for
Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM). This
March, CSCAMM co-sponsored a workshop with Princeton University's Institute for
Computational Science and Engineering on the development of novel
algorithms for plasma astrophysics problems.
The Center also has strong links with the NSF-funded Institute for Pure and
Applied Mathematics (IPAM) at UCLA. IPAM will host a workshop on
Multiscale Fusion Physics in January 2005.