Alcator C-Mod is the high-field, high-density divertor tokamak
in the world fusion program. Located at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, it is one of only four divertor tokamaks
in the world program capable of plasma currents exceeding one
mega-ampere. The central mission of the Alcator program is to carry
out compact, high-performance divertor tokamak research to establish
the plasma physics and plasma engineering necessary for an ignited
tokamak experiment and for attractive fusion reactors.
In the area of transport, C-Mod is making critical tests of
theoretically-based interpretations of tokamak transport, at
dimensional parameters that are unique, but at dimensionless
parameters comparable to those in much larger experiments.
Additionally, a major thrust of research on C-Mod is to develop our
physics understanding of the advanced tokamak regime.
For all these reasons, C-Mod is well-positioned to provide high
quality experimental data to the Center.