Controlling the cross-field transport of energy
and momentum has become one of the central goals of the fusion
sciences program. Specifically inducing the formation of transport
barriers both at the plasma edge and in the core has become a primary
means of limiting plasma transport across most of the confinement
domain of modern fusion experiments. The formation of these barriers
is considered central to the achievement of peak performance in future
experiments such as ITER and therefore understanding the full physics
of barrier formation, development and structure becomes a central goal
of the fusion program. It is only the recent development of
finite-β gyrokinetic models which has made it possible to study
the formation of these barriers in the plasma core — the strong
pressure gradients that are associated with a fully developed barrier
locally distort the magnetic surfaces, profoundly impacting the local
MHD and kinetic stability. Neglecting such effects rendered models
based on electrostatic gyrokinetics unjustifiable.
Even with a fully operational electromagnetic, gyrokinetic code the
study of transport barrier formation and structure is a challenging
task. The number of known parameters that influence the dynamics of
barriers includes the shape of the magnetic surfaces, the local plasma
β, the local magnetic shear, the plasma rotation profiles and
local pressure gradients. The multiplicity of control parameters
combined with the relatively long time required for the full
development of the barrier challenges the modeler. For this reason,
this project will take place in three distinct phases.
In the first phase, we will prepare for the barrier calculation by
- Adding non-periodic radial boundary conditions to GS2, and
- Developing the appropriate coarse-graining operators to allow
GS2 to be embedded in a multiscale transport calculation.
It is critical to address the first topic early because of the
peculiar property of instabilities that are driven by sheared
ExB flows - like the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, many
are unstable only in the presence of an inflection point in the radial
profile of the flow. Since a periodic radial domain forces all but
non-trivial flows to have an inflection point, this property implies
that a strongly sheared flow in a periodic domain will generically be
more unstable than it should be. This is clearly unsatisfactory for
the investigation of transport barriers. The second item is
straightforward and can be accomplished immediately. In the course of
the first phase, we will also accelerate the implicit algorithms used
in GS2 with a new iterative algorithm that bypasses the need for
the implicit fields solver.
In the second phase, we wrap the gaptooth and projective
integration techniques into a new toolkit which can act
as a controller for transport-time-scale gyrokinetic turbulence
simulations. A bird's-eye view of how this project will proceed is
In the third phase, having established the appropriate lifting and
restriction operators for the gyrokinetic transport problem, we will
use the bifurcation toolkit of Kevrekidis and Gear to perform a
bifurcation analysis. (This is essentially the infinite time
limit of a projective integrator.) This analysis will yield
conditions under which transport barrier formation could begin with
and without significant
ExB shear, magnetic shear and strong plasma shaping.
Once we have demonstrated the capability to create transport barriers
in the simulations, we will then be able to explore for the first time
their formation, structure and stability in a realistic,
self-consistent numerical system. A major practical focus of this
study, central to the effectiveness of ITER and other devices which
depend upon transport barriers for effective operation, will be on the
factors that govern the height and width of the barriers, and
steepness of the plasma profiles within them. Some of the most basic
questions regarding the barrier structure are at present not well
understood. For example, in the case of internal transport barriers,
do MHD instability limits play a role, or are such modes eliminated by
second-stability effects? In the case of the edge pedestal, what is
the physical nature of ELMs, and what are the impacts of
ExB shear and diamagnetic effects on pedestal stability?
In addition to such MHD instabilities, microinstability-driven
transport is likely to be another key factor governing the observed
structure of transport barriers. It is not at present clear, however,
what the dominant modes are that drive such transport or what the
factors are that control them. Candidates include local and non-local
drift-wave modes, modes driven by the electron and ion temperature
gradients, parallel and perpendicular velocity-shear driven modes,
tearing modes, curvature-driven modes and possibly others. With a
self-consistent barrier available for study in a numerical simulation,
such as we propose to create, this important question can be directly
Such transport-generating modes, and their parameter dependence, are
also likely to play a key role in another major issue, namely, in the
triggering of transport barrier formation or destruction. For example,
the onset of barrier formation might be associated with the
suppression of strong transport (e.g., in the case of the edge
pedestal, the finite-β suppression of drift waves.) It has also
been proposed that barrier formation is associated with the
onset of ExB-generating secondary modes.
In summary, the structure and formation of transport barriers are
likely to depend on an array of interrelated phenomena involving MHD
and non-MHD stability as well as transport. Given the complexity of
this problem, it seems likely a reliable, physics-based model for
barrier formation will eventually emerge from detailed study of
self-consistent numerical simulations such as those proposed here.