Even in the relatively well-studied case of ion
scale turbulence, the role of electromagnetic perturbations remains
unclear, particularly at beta greater than approximately 0.25.
Gyrokinetic and multifluid turbulence simulations have shown that
electromagnetic effects can dramatically influence the turbulence by
altering the dynamics of zonal flows and primary/secondary
instabilities, as well as by introducing small scale magnetic
reconnection. Little is known, however, about the nature of
reconnection in a turbulent plasma, or about the nature of transport
in a plasma with significant magnetic and electrostatic
perturbations. We can say little more than there is a critical role
played by the dispersive kinetic Alfvén waves in reconnection and in
gradient-driven electromagnetic turbulence.
With the focus and critical mass effort provided by the CMPD, it is
expected that a clear theoretical picture of nonlinear kinetic
Alfvén wave dynamics will emerge, with strong experimental support
in the low beta regime accessible at the LAPD facility. Because it
is of obvious interest to understand such phenomena at higher values
of beta, CMPD also supports scientists working at DIII-D
and NSTX to diagnose nonlinear kinetic Alfvén wave dynamics at
values of beta approaching unity. In many ways, beta ~ 1 is
most interesting, because sound waves and Alfvén waves interact
strongly, producing significant wave damping and new instabilities.
Of course, beta ~ 1 is also interesting because many plasmas
found in nature lie in this range.
The nonlinear physics of shear Alfvén waves has direct relevance
to magnetic turbulence in both astrophysical and fusion plasmas. Of
particular interest is the turbulent cascade of Alfvén waves. This
is truly a multiscale problem, considering the nonlinear transfer of
energy from a large scale wave (the ``stirring'' scale) down to much
smaller scales where dissipation becomes important. Alfvén wave cascades
are believed to occur in many astrophysical situations, including the
solar wind, the interstellar medium, and some accretion disks.
In subluminous accretion disks, the observed
radiation is inconsistent with a classical accretion process: angular
momentum transport through classical collisions, resulting in energy
transfer to the electrons which then efficiently radiate this energy
away. Instead, anomalous angular momentum transport must be provided
by an instability such as the magnetorotational instability (MRI).
The MRI then acts as the large-scale stirring wave for an Alfvén
wave cascade, sending energy many orders of magnitude in wavenumber
space toward a dissipation scale. In high-beta accretion disks,
this shear-Alfvén cascade first damps on the ions once it reaches the
ion gyroradius scale, preferentially heating the ions, which are poor
radiators. A portion of the cascade energy may continue on towards
electron dissipation scales in the form of a kinetic Alfvén wave
cascade (aka the "whistler" cascade). A cartoon
depicting this cascade process is shown above.
In tokamaks, the large scale wave could be an MHD instability
(e.g., tearing mode or fast-particle driven Alfvén eigenmode) and a
nonlinear cascade driven by this instability could affect
saturation of the instability and result in plasma heating as the cascade reaches
dissipation scales. In addition, in high-beta plasmas drift wave
turbulence is electromagnetic in nature through coupling to Alfvén
waves. Hence studying the nonlinear physics of Alfvén waves will
aid our understanding of electromagnetic drift wave turbulence --
understanding which is critical in order to succesfully predict
turbulent transport in high-beta fusion reactors.