Research Activities > Programs >
Sparse Representation in Redundant Systems
Patrick Wolfe

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.

Redundancy, Sparsity, and Nonlinear Approximation via Time-Frequency Representations
Dr. Patrick Wolfe
Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University
As of late, the engineering and computer science literatures have seen a vast
increase in applications of sparsity to statistical signal processing problems.
In this talk I will describe a framework for understanding these apparently
disparate approaches from a Bayesian point of view, and present an overview of
statistical model-based techniques for audio signal processing using
time-frequency representations. In contrast to the orthonormal transformations
employed in many areas of signal and image analysis, audio signals have
traditionally been analyzed, modified, and reconstructed by way of
overcomplete time-frequency representations--i.e., frames. Whereas the theory
of frames has most often concerned the minimal l-2 norm reconstruction
coefficients in a particular scenario, I describe a regularization approach
aimed at estimating a sparse set of synthesis coefficients directly from the
(audio) time series under consideration.