Research Activities > Programs >
Sparse Representation in Redundant Systems
Vladimir Temlyakov
CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
On Greedy Algorithms with
Restricted Depth Search1
Dr. Vladimir Temlyakov
Department of
Mathematics, University of South Carolina
We continue to study effeciency of approximation and convergence of greedy type algorithms in uniformly
smooth Banach spaces. This talk is based on a development of
recent results in the direction of making practical algorithms out of theoretical approximation methods. The Weak Chebyshev Greedy Algorithm (WCGA) is a general approximation method that works well in
an arbitrary uniformly smooth Banach space X for any dictionary
It is an inductive procedure with each step of implementation consisting of several substeps.
We describe the first substep of a particular case of the WCGA.
Let t ε (0, 1]. Then at the first substep of the
mth step we are looking for an element φm from a given
symmetric dictionary D satisfying
(1) Ffm-1(φm) ≥
t sup Ffm-1(g)
g ε
where fm-1 is a residual after (m-1)th step
and Ffm-1 is a norming functional of
fm-1. It is a greedy step of the WCGA. It is clear that in the case of
infinite dictionary D there is no direct computationally feasible way of evaluating
supgεDFfm-1(g). This is
the main issue that we address in the talk. We consider countable dictionaries
D = {±ψj}j=1 to ∞ and replace the
inequality used above by
Ffm-1(φm) ≥
t sup | Ffm-1(ψj)|,
{±ψj}j=1 to Nm
1 ≤ j ≤ Nm
restriction j ≤ Nm is known in the literature as the depth search condition. We prove convergence and rate of
convergence results for such a modification of the WCGA.
1This research was supported by the National Science
Foundation Grant DMS 0200187