Research Activities > Programs >
Sparse Representation in Redundant Systems
Gitta Kutyniok

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.

Shearlets: A New
Wavelet-based Approach Towards Sparse Representations of
Singularities in the Plane
Dr. Gitta Kutyniok
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
In this talk we introduce the Continuous Shearlet Transform, which is a directional transform based on analyzing elements called shearlets. These are non-separable wavelets built out of parabolic scaling, shear, and translation operations. We show that they satisfy a Calderon-like reproducing formula. Further we discuss several types of singularities in the plane, showing that our systems detect both their location and their orientation. Finally, we compare our transform to closely related directional transforms. This is part of ongoing research joint with Demetrio Labate (North Carolina State University).