Research Activities > Programs >
Sparse Representation in Redundant Systems
Shai Dekel

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.

On Adaptive Representations &
Smoothness Spaces in Rd
Dr. Shai Dekel
Research & Development at RealTimeImage
In our setup, adaptivity is obtained by replacing the Euclidian metric by adaptive quasi-metrics. We derive the quasi-metrics from multiresolution structures of local geometric elements such as ellipsoids. For example, in the bivariate case, away from curve singularities, the ellipses are disks and the quasi-metrics are locally Euclidian. But in the vicinity of curve singularities, the ellipses are long and thin and the quasi-metrics are, locally, warps of the Euclidian metric. We can also construct quasi-metrics using higher order local elements that are `banana shaped'. Using the framework of spaces of
homogeneous type, we obtain geometric wavelet representations in
Lp (Rd), 1 < p < ∞, and smoothness spaces. The wavelets will be essentially supported on the local geometric elements. Adaptivity implies `sparser' representations and higher smoothness for functions with geometric structure, such as curve/surface singularities.