Research Activities > Programs >
Numerical Plasma Astrophysics > Mike Shay

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Magnetic Reconnection: Is MHD Adequate?
Dr. Mike Shay
University of Maryland
Reconnection is a process which breaks magnetic field line topology and releases
magnetic energy in the form of bulk flows and heating. It is believed to play a
critical role in many space plasma systems, damping small scale magnetic fields
in dynamos and accretion disks, releasing large amounts of energy in a solar
flare, and allowing solar wind plasma to mix with magnetospheric plasma around
the Earth's space environment. All of these phenomena are currently modeled
using primarily MHD simulations, but recent work clearly demonstrates that in
most physical systems a complete description of magnetic reconnection requires
physics not present in the MHD equations. I will review the non-MHD physics
which is believed to play a critical role in reconnection, and discuss ways in
which this non-MHD physics can affect systems at MHD scales.