Research Activities > Programs >
Numerical Plasma Astrophysics > Prateek Sharma

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Preliminary Studies of Kinetic Magnetorotational Instability with ZEUS
Prateek Sharma
Princeton Plasma Physics Lab at Princeton University
We have modified the ZEUS-3D code to study the magnetorotational instability
(MRI) in the collisionless limit in the local shearing box configuration. The
collisionless MRI can be important for angular momentum transport and magnetic
field amplification in radiatively inefficient accretion flows (RIAF) onto
compact objects such as black holes. The time scale of accretion in these cases
is $\ll$ the collision time and hence we expect collisionless effects could be
important. Different equations for the evolution of pressures parallel and
perpendicular to the magnetic field have been added using a simple form of
Landau fluid closures to approximate kinetic MHD (Snyder, Hammett, Dorland,
Phys.\ Fluids 1997). The code has been tested in the ``double adiabatic" and
collisionless limits against earlier linear calculations (Sharma, Hammett
Quataert, Ap.J. 2003). Some preliminary nonlinear results will be shown.