Research Activities > Programs >
Numerical Plasma Astrophysics > Angus MacNab

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Fluid Moment Closures Used in Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Landau Damping
Dr. Angus MacNab
CSCAMM at University of Maryland
In searching for an appropriate median between fluid and kinetic modeling
techniques, Lattice Boltzmann Methods (LBMs) stand out as an interesting scheme
because of their computational efficiency, as compared against other fluid
modeling techniques, and the underlying kinetic algorithm which governs the
evolution of the fluid variables. LBMs retain the full dimensionality of kinetic
methods, but reduce the breadth of particle velocity space so that only two or
three speeds are allowed in any given direction. The algorithm solves a discrete
BGK Boltzmann equation in Cartesian space for each of the allowable particle
velocities. Macroscopic fluid moments are then recovered from the summation of
the particle distribution functions over the allowed velocities. A clear
advantage of the LBM formulation of these fluid equations comes from the kinetic
nature of the scheme. In the space of the particle distribution functions, all
of the convective fluid derivatives are treated with a single linear advection
step. This allows for a full non-linear description of the fluid equations. We
will present one-dimensional models, which incorporate non-local integral
closures into the particle distribution functions. These models serve as an
elementary demonstration of the viability and tractability of the incorporation
of non-local kinetic closures into LBMs. Results are presented for models closed
at the level of particle flux (velocity), momentum flux (pressure), and heat