Research Activities > Programs >
Numerical Plasma Astrophysics > Yannis Kevrekidis

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Recent Developments in Equation-free Complex Systems Modeling
Dr. Yannis Kevrekidis
Chemical Engineering at Princeton University
In current modeling, the best available descriptions of a system often come at
a fine level (atomistic, stochastic, microscopic, individual-based) while the
questions asked and the tasks required by the modeler (prediction, parametric
analysis, optimization and control) are at a much coarser, averaged, macroscopic
level. Traditional modeling approaches start by first deriving macroscopic
evolution equations from the microscopic models, and then bringing our arsenal
of mathematical and algorithmic tools to bear on these macroscopic descriptions.
Over the last few years, and with several collaborators, we have developed and
validated a mathematically inspired, computational enabling technology that
allows the modeler to perform macroscopic tasks acting on the microscopic models
directly. We call this the 'equation-free' approach, since it circumvents the
step of obtaining accurate macroscopic descriptions. The backbone of this
approach is the design of (computational) experiments. Traditional continuum
numerical algorithms can be viewed as a set protocols for experimental design
(where ?experiment? means a computational experiment set up and performed with a
model at a different level of description). I will discuss several examples
studied over the last year, including the rheology of nematic liquid crystals,
coarse molecular dynamics, individual-based modeling, and issues of bifurcation,
optimization and control. Ultimately, what makes it all possible is the ability
to initialize computational experiments at will. Short bursts of appropriately
initialized computational experimentation through matrix-free numerical
analysis and systems theory tools like variance reduction and estimation-
bridges microscopic simulation with macroscopic modeling.