Research Activities > Programs >
Numerical Plasma Astrophysics > Michael Hesse

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Magnetic Reconnection for
Moderate Guide Fields: Kinetic Physics and Simulation
Dr. Michael Hesse
Collisionless magnetic reconnection is well-known to operate in systems with
small to moderate guide magnetic field components. We refer to guide magnetic
fields as "moderate" if their magnetude is of the same order as the reconnecting
magnetic field components. Recent kinetic studies of such systems indicate that
electron demagnetization should be based on the generation of gradient scale
lengths, which are comparable to the electron Larmor radius in the dissipation
region. For this regime, a combination of analytical analyses and numerical
simulations demonstrate that electron orbits are sufficiently influenced by the
reconnecting magnetic field component for reconnection to proceed. The very
small scale lengths associated with electron Larmor radii, and the requirement
to study higher order moments of the electron distribution function provide a
challenge to numerical modeling of this process. We present both an overview of
the underlying physical processes and a discussion of the difficulties inherent
in modeling magnetic reconnection for small to moderate magnetic guide