Research Activities > Programs >
Numerical Plasma Astrophysics > Jorge Balbas

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Central Schemes for Multi Dimensional MHD Equations
Jorge Balbas
Department of Mathematics at UCLA
Central schemes offer a general approach for computing the solutions of
nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws in the sense that they are not tied to
the characteristic structure of the underlying PDE, this allows for the straight
forward implementation of these as {\em black-box} type numerical solvers. We
present a collection of central schemes for the equations of ideal
magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in one and two space dimensions. We first introduce a
family of fully discrete central schemes based on the evolution of cell averages
over a staggered grid. From this fully discrete approximation of cell averages,
making use of the information provided by the speed of propagation of the MHD
waves, we pass (in the limit $\Delta t \downarrow 0$) to a more versatile
non-staggered semidiscrete formulation. The numerical solution of several MHD
prototype problems presented below demonstrate the ability of central schemes to
detect and resolve accurately the steep gradients that characterize the
solutions of these equations.