Research Activities >
Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface and Surface Dynamics 2007
Relaxation of Nanoscale Structures on
SrTiO3(001) Surfaces
CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Relaxation of Nanoscale Structures on SrTiO3(001)
Koichi Sudoh

Osaka University
Real time observation of the relaxation of nanoscale
structures by scanning tunneling microscopy provides
significant information required to develop a
quantitative model of morphological relaxation. We
have examined the relaxation of various well-defined
nanoscale structures created by a STM
nanofabrication process on SrTiO3(001) surfaces.
Examples to be presented include the observation of
straightening of a curved step, decay of a
two-dimensional hole, and decay of a multilayer
hole. The observed evolution of isolated structures
can be interpreted in terms of the diffusion limited
kinetics. It is also found that the relaxation is
affected by the surrounding surface structure such
as the substrate step, which perturbs the diffusion
field. For the relaxation of multilayer structures,
more complex behavior due to the short range
attractive step-step interaction has been observed. |