Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics > Tutorials

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Equilibrium Fluctuations and Evolution of Morphology
Dr. Ellen Williams
Department of Physics, and Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland
Atomic mobility on surfaces manifests itself in thermal fluctuations of the step edges. Dynamic
measurements of such fluctuations on Si, Pb and Ag surfaces using REM, LEEM and STM techniques will
be presented. Given such real-space, real-time data, analysis of the fluctuations is accomplished
again by statistical techniques through direct calculation of the temporal correlation functions.
Different kinetic mechanisms for the fluctuations yield different signatures in the correlation functions.
The extraction of this information and correlated time constants will be presented for several
experimental systems.
The combination of energetic information (from equilibrium structures) and kinetic information (from
dynamic measurements) allows prediction of the stability and evolution of nanoscale structure. This will
be illustrated by for the decay of metastable structures on Si surfaces under thermal equilibration, and
under structural evolution due to a driving force induced by bulk electrical current, e.g. a surface electromigration effect.