Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics > Tutorials

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Fast Methods for Sampling from a Dynamic pdf
Part I: Fast Methods, Some up-front Cost.
Dr. Isabel Beichl
This pair of talks will cover some basic algorithms for accelerating
dynamic Monte Carlo, meaning Monte Carlo for cases in which the
probability distribution sampled changes as a consequence of sampling.
Let M be the number of possible MC events (or state transitions), and let ri be the rate at which
the ith event should occur. The total rate is
R = ∑Mi=1 ri.
For an accurate simulation, event i should occur with probability
ri/R. (For equilibrium MC done according to BKL, the calculations are the same, but the {ri}
are transition probabilities, not rates.) If the
rates are updated in the obvious, naive way, the
cost per step is O(M) which could be prohibitive for a large M. We
explain how to use a dynamic binary tree to reduce this cost to O(log2 M) per step. There is a one-time cost for
establishing the dynamic tree. However, for all but very small values of M, this cost is easily re-couped in the per-step