Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics >
Workshop 2

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Flow at
Interfaces: Boundary Conditions and Multiscale
Dr. Mark Robbins
Department of Physics & Astronomy at Johns Hopkins
Traditional approaches to dynamics at interfaces use
continuum mechanics and phenomenological boundary
conditions. The first part of the talk will briefly
describe qualitative failures of common boundary
conditions and use molecular dynamics to derive
appropriate ones. The next part of the talk will
describe two multiscale approaches. One uses
detailed atomistic simulations to construct a
realistic mesoscale fluid model. The parameters of
this model are very different from those commonly
assumed based on symmetry arguments. The second
multiscale approach is a simultaneous atomistic and
continuum simulation that has been used to study
flow near solid surfaces.