Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics > Tutorials

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Mean-field Agglomeration
Models, Stochastic Effects
Dr. Robert Pego
Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland
Models of interfacial growth and coarsening can involve stochastic effects. Understanding the statistical
properties of solutions of nonlinear field equations is a fundamental scientific problem in general.
I'll describe several mean-field models of coarsening and discuss the effects of noise. Also I'll describe
2-D models of epitaxial growth by ballistic deposition, including the KPZ (Kadar-Parisi-Zhang) and the
Lai-dasSarma models. An important mean-field model of agglomeration or clustering is Smoluchowski's
coagulation equation. Surprisingly it has a rigorous connection to Burgers' classic "turbulence" model.