Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics >
Workshop 2

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Metastability and
Microstructure in Structural Phase Transformations
Dr. Mitchell Luskin
Department of Mathematics at University of Minnesota
Martensitic crystals undergo a first order
structural phase transformation between a high
symmetry crystalline phase and several variants of a
low symmetry crystalline phase (such as the cubic to
monoclinic transformation in some CuAlNi alloys)
These crystals are observed to be in metastable
states exhibiting a fine-scale spatial oscillation
between the variants of the low symmetry phase, and
hysteresis is observed as the temperature or
boundary conditions are varied. We will present
computational methods and a numerical analysis for
this microstructure, and we will discuss several
multiscale methods and the different metastable states
that they compute.