Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics > Workshop 1

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Three Topics from
Epitaxial Growth and Interface Motion
Dr. Robert Kohn
Courant Institute at New York University
The link between atomic-scale and continuum growth models remains poorly
understood. Opportunities for progress include (1) new classes of continuum
growth models; (2) new interpretations of standard growth laws; and (3) new
approaches to systematic coarse-graining. I'll discuss one topic from each
category, namely: Topic 1: A new type of epitaxial growth law, which represents
the surface height and adatom density separately (joint with T.S. Lo). In this
setting one accounts explicitly for nucleation, and for the uphill current
associated with asymmetric attachment. Topic 2: A new kinetic interpretation for
motion by curvature (joint with S. Serfaty). Motion by curvature is
"thermodynamic," i.e. it represents steepest-descent for perimeter.
Surprisingly, it also has a "kinetic" interpretation -- directly analogous to
the interpretation of motion-by-constant-velocity via Huyghen's principle. Topic
3: A new approach to the coarse-graining of step-flow models (joint with N.K.
Yip and T.S. Lo). Following Politi and Villain, one can derive a PDE by treating
the atomic height as a small parameter. However the PDE is not valid across
peaks and valleys: they must be treated as free boundaries, with boundary
conditions that express the essential physics of nucleation and healing.