Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics >
Workshop 2

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Phase Field
Modeling of the Electrochemical Interface
Dr. Jonathan Guyer
Metallurgy Division at NIST
We examine the kinetic behavior of a phase field
model of the electrochemical interface in one
dimension. We have previously shown that the
equilibrium properties of this model (surface
energy, surface charge, and differential
capacitance) bear stronger resemblance to
experimental measurements than to the predictions of
existing sharp-interface models. For
electrodeposition and electrodissolution conditions,
using a single set of governing equations, we
demonstrate ohmic conduction in the electrode and
ionic conduction in the electrolyte. We find that,
despite making simple, linear dynamic postulates, we
obtain the nonlinear relationship between current
and overpotential predicted by the classical
"Butler-Volmer" equation and observed in
electrochemical experiments. The charge distribution
in the interfacial double layer is affected by the
passage of current and, at sufficiently high
currents, we find that the diffusion limited
deposition of a more noble cation leads to alloy
deposition with less noble species.