Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics > Workshop 1
CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Nanostructures: From Analytic
Models To Computer Simulations
J. W. Gadzuk
Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy on Kondo systems consisting of magnetic atoms
adsorbed on non-magnetic surfaces has shown that suitable two-dimensional nanostructures
can influence the surface electron transport that is a consequential part of the observable
STM process. Almost everyone has seen Eigler’s stunning STM pictures in which individual
atoms were assembled to form a chosen two-dimensional configuration, call it a nanostructure,
on the metal substrate.1 Some of these shapes, when closed, are referred to as quantum
corrals.2 A particularly intriguing example is an elliptical corral (major axis <15 nm)
composed of up to 70 individually-placed atoms or molecules on a surface-state-supporting
Cu(111) surface.3 It has been observed with the STM that both the pictorial image and the
Fano-related spectroscopic signature of a single Kondo atom4 such as Co placed at one of
the foci showed a mirage when STM measurements were made at the opposing unoccupied focus.
The generic physics of the resonance electron transfer and transport occuring in a wide
variety of surface dynamics processes including those responsible for the quantum mirages
will be outlined. The consequent Fano-like spectra depend upon both the position of the
STM tip and also on the size and shape, hence 2-D quantum states of the nanostructure
confinement. For the 10’s of nm corrals of experimental interest, the level spacings
are comparable with the Kondo resonance width. This results in non-trivial spectra
showing size-dependent oscillatory structure in both the energy-dependent amplitude and
in the lineshape asymmetry. Calculated mirage spectra illustrate the useful inter-dependence
upon the contrasting nm-scale confinement size and shape and the atomic-scale resonance-defining
properties which depend upon the species. This is a nice example of a timely problem in
high-visibility contemporary science and technology which has usefully and synergistically
been addressed by complimentary analytic theory and computationally-more-intensive modeling.
1 H. C. Manoharan, C. P. Lutz, and D. M. Eigler, Nature 403, 512 (2000).
2 G. A. Fiete and E. J. Heller, Rev Mod Phys 75, 933 (2003).
3 O. Agam and A. Schiller, Phys Rev Lett 86, 484 (2001).
4 M. Plihal and J. W. Gadzuk, Phys Rev B 63, 085404 (2001).