Research Activities > Programs >
Nonequilibrium Interface Dynamics > Workshop 1
CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Predictive Modeling Of Epitaxial Thin Film Growth: Atomistic and Continuum
Dr. James Evans
Department of Math at Iowa State University
We describe the development of realistic models for homoepitaxial growth of
metal(100) films which can predict and thus elucidate behavior in specific
systems. This is achieved with atomistic lattice-gas models which are tailored
to incorporate the essential physical processes, and which are amenable to
efficient KMC simulation up to 1000's of layers [1]. We also discuss the
successes and shortcomings of analytic and continuum treatments. For
submonolayer nucleation and growth of 2D islands during deposition, analytic
theories [2] and continuum simulations [3] must correctly incorporate spatial
apsects of nucleation in order to avoid the failure of mean-field treatments. A
new geometry-based simulation appoach is presented which achieves this goal [4].
For multilayer growth characterized by kinetic roughening associated with the
formation of mounds (stacks of 2D islands), current continuum treatments are
shown to capture the basic mounding instability, but not the details of mound
evolution [1]. [1] K.J. Caspersen et al., PRB 65 (2002) 193407. [2] J.W. Evans
and M.C. Bartelt, PRB 66 (2002) 235410. [3] M.C. Bartelt et al., PRL 81 (1998)
1904. [4] M.Li, M.C. Bartelt, J.W. Evans, PRB 68 (2003) 0814XX.