Research Activities > Programs >
Incompressible Flows 2006>
Charles Meneveau

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Lagrangian Dynamics and Statistical Geometric Structure of Turbulence
Charles Meneveau
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns
Hopkins University
Abstract: The
local statistical and geometric structure of
three-dimensional turbulent flow can be described by
properties of the velocity gradient tensor. A
stochastic model is developed for the Lagrangian
time evolution of this tensor, in which the exact
nonlinear self-stretching term accounts for the
development of well-known non-Gaussian statistics
and geometric alignment trends. The non-local
pressure and viscous effects are accounted for by a
closure that models the material deformation history
of fluid elements. The system is forced with a
simple, white in time, Gaussian noise. The resulting
stochastic system reproduces many statistical and
geometric trends observed in numerical and
experimental 3D turbulent flows. Examples include
the non-Gaussian statistics of velocity gradient
components, the preferential aligment of vorticity,
nearly log-normal statistics of the dissipation, the
tear-drop shape of the so-called `R-Q' joint
probability density and anomalous relative scaling
of velocity derivatives.