Research Activities > Programs >
Incompressible Flows 2006>
Jian-Guo Liu

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Pressure Estimate for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation in a Bounded Domain
Jian-Guo Liu
Institute for Physical Science and Technology,
University of Maryland
Based upon a new, sharp estimate for the commutator
of the Laplacian and Helmholtz projection operators,
we show that the pressure gradient is bounded in L2
norm by the viscosity term times a constant less
than one, up to lower order terms. By consequence,
NSE can be regarded as a perturbed diffusion
equation, rather than a perturbed Stokes system.
This leads to stability results for discretization
schemes that (a) provide simple proofs of existence
and uniqueness of local strong solutions, and (b)
help explain the success of recently developed
numerical methods that are fast, accurate near
boundaries, and simple and flexible in structure.
This is joint work with Bob Pego (CMU) and Jie Liu