Research Activities > Programs >
Fast Approximate Algorithms > Tutorials

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
NEMO Tutorials
Peter Teuben
University of Maryland
Introduction to the NEMO software toolbox that has several N-body integrators commonly used in Astrophysics, and many tools
to initialize and analyze the results of simulations. In additions programs exist to compare simulations with observations,
and study individual orbits in N-body as well as analytical potentials. Collisional vs. collisionless stellar dynamics will
be discussed.
NEMO will be available on the CSCAMM computer cluster, as well on CD so participants can install it on their own
Lecture 1: Introduction to
- NEMO as a software package, philosophy
- User interfaces
- Other toolkits (starlab, tipsy)
- Running codes, comparison, micro vs. macro physics
Lecture 2: NEMO Integrators
- Direct integrators: Aarseth codes, GRAPE hardware
- Treecode: Barnes & Hut, PKD
- Treecode: Dehnen , Kawaii
- Potential expansion codes, Wavelet codes: Hernquist,
Lecture 3: Programming in NEMO
- NEMO installation (incl. discussion of the CD contents)
- Integrate your own code in NEMO
- The GDB/FMM code (w/ Duraiswami & Gumerov)