Research Activities > Programs >
Fast Approximate Algorithms > Toru Takahashi

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Fast Computing of
Boundary Integral Equation Method by a Special-Purpose
Dr. Toru Takahashi
Ebisuzaki Computational Astrophysics Lab at Inst. of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
I present a method to accelerate boundary integral equation method (BIEM). The
most time-consuming part of BIEM is the evaluation of the layer potential. I put
this part onto MDGRAPE-2. MDGRAPE-2 is originally a special-purpose computer
dedicated for calculation of the pairwise interactions among particles in
molecular dynamics simulations. I applied our method to some problems in applied
mechanics. Numerical tests showed that BIEM is accelerated by a factor of
10--100. Moreover, I will talk about a method which enables a special-purpose
computer to compute BIEM based on a fast algorithm.