Research Activities > Programs >
Fast Approximate Algorithms > Atsushi Kawai

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Fast Algorithms on GRAPE Special-Purpose Computers
Dr. Atsushi Kawai
Saitama Institue of Technology
Our group have been developing a series of dedicated computers for particle
simulation. The first hardware was designed to accelerate calculation of
gravitational force among point masses (stars). It calculates force using a
hardwired pipeline and thus we named it as GRAPE (GRAvity PipE). During this
decade, we have developed its successors and implemented fast algorithms such as
the Barnes-Hut treecode on these hardwares. We found the hardware accelerates
the fast algorithms by a factor of 10--50, depending on the application. The
fast algorithms on GRAPEs are now applied to various fields of science,
including material science, bioscience, and computational mechanics.