Research Activities >
Programs >
Complex Fluids 2007
Seamless Multiscale Methods via Dynamics on
Fiber Bundles
CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Seamless Multiscale Methods via Dynamics on Fiber
Weinan E

Princeton University
We will discuss the problem of efficiently capturing
macroscopic behavior using microscopic models. This
can be done either through a sequential coupling
strategy by precomputing the effective macro models
using the known micro model, or through a concurrent
coupling strategy, by estimating macroscopic model
input "on-the-fly" using the microscale model. In
the latter category, the coupling between the macro
and micro models can be done either by going back
and forth between the models, or seamlessly by
formulating extended macroscopic models on the
associated fiber bundles, thus avoiding the
technically difficult step of going back and forth
between macro and micro states. We will discuss
efficient methods in each category, but we will
focus on the formulations for seamless methods. |