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Programs >
Complex Fluids 2007
Thermodynamics of Flowing Systems

CSIC Building (#406),
Seminar Room 4122.
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Flowing Systems
Antony Beris

University of Delaware
1. Introduction. One mode viscoelasticity.
2. Coupled transport: Two-fluid model.
3. Modeling under constraints: Liquid crystals.
4. Non-homogeneous systems: Surface effects and
Multiscale Modeling
In these lectures we review here recent developments
in nonequilibrium thermodynamics and their
applications to rheology.
In particular we review the application of the
dissipative one generator Hamiltonian formalism to
the modeling of incompressible flows of flexible
polymer and polymer liquid crystal systems. We show
not only the advantages that have been brought up by
the nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach but also
exactly where the actual contributions are in
combination from a variety of specific modeling
examples ranging from simple, one conformation
models to most recent coupled multivariable and
nonhomogeneous multiscale examples. In all cases,
special attention is paid to convey the physical
significance of the models through a close
association to a more detailed microscopic
[lectures] |