From CMNS News: On May 27, Dr. Raymond L. Orbach, Director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science, announced the selection of the University of
Maryland/University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Rochester to host two new Fusion Science Centers. "These two Fusion
Science Centers will strengthen basic research into the frontiers of fusion science, a central mission of the department’s fusion energy sciences
program,” Dr. Orbach said. “The centers will train students to meet the U.S. fusion program’s future needs and help our fusion program communicate
about our progress and accomplishments with the broader scientific community.” The University of Maryland and UCLA will jointly host the Center
for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics (CMPD) using facilities at both of the schools. WILLIAM DORLAND, Physics/CSCAMM/IREAP, is the Co-Principal Investigator
and will direct UMD’s participation in CMPD which is housed within the Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM) –
a recent major initiative within the College to promote research activity in new algorithms and mathematical modeling in the physical sciences.
DOE funding for the University of Maryland/UCLA-led Fusion Science Center will total $6.4 million over five years."