The Department of Business Services website has an abundance of information to help you with your University Travel.
Pre Travel
Prior Approval is required for all University travel (except in-state with no overnight stay). The University of Maryland’s travel policies are intended to facilitate your travel and travel arrangements; to provide full reimbursement for all necessary expenses; and to protect travelers against the risk of loss. Please complete a Travel Approval Request (TAR) form as soon as possible prior to your travel.
Travel Arrangements
CSCAMM has direct billing set up with each of the three University Travel Agents. Identify yourself as a University Employee in the CSCAMM department when you call a University Travel Agent to arrange your travel. Note: The travel agency will not issue your ticket until they received an approved TAR trip# from the CSCAMM business office.
Post Travel
A Travel Expense Statement (TES) must be completed as soon as possible after you return. After the trip, complete a Travel Expense Statement (TES), have your supervisor (PI) sign it, attach your original receipts, and forward it to the CSCAMM Business Office. If you are on the University payroll, reimbursement will be issued with your paycheck. If you are not on the University payroll a check will be mailed to your home address.