15th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity
June 11-15, 2012
CSIC Building (#406),
Room 1115
Directions: home.cscamm.umd.edu/directions
Since the inaugural meeting of 1998 (held at Caltech's Capra ranch near San Diego) Capra meetings have been bringing together relativists interested in the problem of radiation reaction in relativity and its application to extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) as astrophysical sources of gravitational waves. The meetings address an important open problem in gravitational theory, made particularly relevant by the exciting prospect of directly observing gravitational waves from EMRIs in the near future.
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Following the Capra tradition, the meeting will focus primarily on aspects of the self-force in general relativity, although broader topics related to gravitational-wave physics will also be discussed. As usual, the meeting will be informal: there will be no registration fee and no proceedings.
The program will include a few hour-long invited review talks, numerous short contributed presentations (about 20 minutes each), and ample time for open discussions. Contributed talks on all aspects of the radiation reaction problem (including related topics such as EMRI astrophysics or data analysis) are welcome. However, due to time limitations, and in order to leave ample time for discussions, we might not be able to accommodate for every submitted abstract. The talks will take place from June 11 to June 13, with June 14th and the morning of Friday June 15th left for those who might want to stay for further interactions/work. The meeting will close by Friday noon, allowing for those who wish to enjoy Washington DC and the Chesapeake Bay.
For any additional information, questions, or queries regarding this conference, please contact any of the local organizers.
Name |
Affiliation |
Leor Barack | University of Southampton, School of Mathematics |
Alessandra Buonanno | University of Maryland, Department of Physics |
Charles Evans | University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Steve Detweiler | University of Florida, Department of Physics |
Sam Gralla | University of Maryland, Department of Physics |
Alexandre Le Tiec | University of Maryland, Department of Physics |
Eric Poisson | University of Guelph, Department of Physics |
Manuel Tiglio | University of Maryland, CSCAMM & Department of Physics |
Robert Wald | University of Chicago, Department of Physics |
Title |
Speaker |
Self-force: foundations and formalism | Adam Pound |
Self-force: numerical implementations | Barry Wardell |
Self-force: overview of results | Leor Barack |
Effective field theory approach | Chad Galley |
Progress and prospects toward a space-based gravitational-wave observatory | John Baker |
Progress in Kerr | John Friedman |
Self-force for Comparable Mass Binaries | Alex Le Tiec |
Name |
Affiliation |
Sarp Akcay | University of Southampton | Gonzalo Ares de Parga | Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas | John Baker | NASA-GSFC | Leor Barack | University of Southampton | Alessandra Buonanno | University of Maryland | Priscilla Cañizares | University of Cambridge | Umberto Cannella | University of Maryland | Collin Capano | University of Maryland | Marc Casals | University College Dublin | Yanbei Chen | Caltech | Steven Detweiler | University of Florida | Peter Diener | Louisiana State University | Sam Dolan | University of Southampton | Charles Evans | University of North Carolina | Scott Field | University of Maryland | Tehani Finch | Howard University | Eanna Flanagan | Cornell University | Erik Forseth | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Paul Frederickson | Math Cube Associates, Inc. | John Friedman | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | Chad Galley | Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech | Sam Gralla | University of Maryland | Gustavo Guerberoff | Facultad de Ingeniería - UDELAR | Roland Haas | Caltech | Abraham Harte | Albert Einstein Institute | Anna Heffernan | University College Dublin | Frank Herrmann | University of Maryland | Tanja Hinderer | University of Maryland | Seth Hopper | Albert Einstein Institute | Soichiro Isoyama | Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics | Ted Jacobson | University of Maryland | Bernard Kelly | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Alexandre Le Tiec | University of Maryland | Thomas Linz | University of Wisconsin Milwaukee | Pedro Marronetti | NSF | Cesar Merlin | University of Southampton | Thomas Osburn | University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill | Adrian Ottewill | University College Dublin | YI Pan | University of Maryland | Mark Pesses | Navy | Eric Poisson | University of Guelph | Adam Pound | University of Southampton | Adam Pound | University of Southampton | Patxi RITTER | Université d'Orléans | Abhay Shah | Weizmann Institute of Science | Leo Singer | California Institute of Technology | Kyle Slinker | Univeristy of North Carolina | Alessandro Spallicci | Université d'Orléans | Leo Stein | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Takahiro Tanaka | Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics | Andrea Taracchini | University of Maryland | Jonathan Thornburg | Indiana University | Manuel Tiglio | University of Maryland | Jan van Holten | NIKHEF | Ian Vega | University of Guelph | Vince Velocci | University of Texas at Austin | Justin Vines | Cornell University | Robert Wald | University of Chicago | Niels Warburton | University of Southampton | Barry Wardell | University College Dublin | Bernard Whiting | University of Florida | Huan Yang | California Institute of Technology | Anil Zenginoglu | California Institute of Technology | Peter Zimmerman | University of Guelph |
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CSCAMM Visitor Guide: home.cscamm.umd.edu/visitors
Holiday Inn College Park
10000 Baltimore Blvd.
College Park, MD
A block of rooms have been reserved at the Holiday Inn College Park at the reduced rate of $109+tax per night.
Please call the Holiday Inn at 866-240-6315 (reference group: UMD CSCAMM) to make your reservation prior to the release date of May 11, 2012.
The hotel offers complimentary shuttle service within a 5 mile radius of the hotel.
To facilitate transportation, we have arranged with the Holiday Inn for shuttle service to take participants to CSCAMM every morning during the CAPRA meeting.
Shuttle schedule will be available at check-in.
Note: If you need to cancel a reservation, the hotel must be contacted 72 hours prior to arrival date to avoid a room and tax charge for the first night.
Any reservations received after the cutoff date will be accepted on a space and/or rate-available basis.
Information about other local hotels can be found at: home.cscamm.umd.edu/visitors/hotels.htm.
Center for Scientific Computation And Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM)
Computer Science Instructional Center (Building #406)
University of Maryland, College Park
College Park, MD 20742-3289
Email: capra2012@cscamm.umd.edu Web: /programs/capra12/
Poster will be available.
Photos will be made available.
This workshop is sponsored by the Center for Scientific Computation And Mathematical Modeling (CSCAMM), Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics and the Joint Space-Science Institute.
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